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Want to Live Longer? Take a Holiday – Here’s Why!

A recent study from the University of Helsinki, Finland suggests that just 3-weeks of holiday each year can help you live longer.


They suggest that a healthy diet and regular exercise just can’t substitute a good holiday when it comes to relieving stress and subsequently shaving years off your life.

The study, conducted over 40-years, found that people who took fewer than 3-weeks of annual leave were a third more likely to die younger than those who took more.

The study involved middle-aged men born between 1919 and 1934 who were at risk of heart disease, due to factors like high blood pressure, smoking or being overweight.

The intervention group were asked to exercise, eat healthily and stop smoking, while the control group were told to behave as they would normally, without any health or lifestyle intervention.

Researchers discovered that even though the intervention group had looked after their health, if they took less than 3-weeks of annual holiday leave they had a 37% increased chance of dying compared with those that took over three weeks of holidays.

So, what’s the lesson in all of this?

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