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Destinations that defined 2019


On 15 April the people of France and the world stood still, as flames tore through Notre Dame (Paris), one of the countries’ most loved and iconic structures. Thought to be caused by an electrical fault, France vowed to rebuild the cathedral (which took more than 180 years to build), despite the passionate debate about the best way forward.

United Kingdom

Brexit continues to plague the United Kingdom because no one knows what will happen when they leave the EU. And unfortunately, the latest election in December hasn’t made the transition any clearer for the British people.


We all know the alien conspiracy theories surrounding Area 51; the highly classified US Air Force facility in southern Nevada. To uncover the truth, a Facebook event called Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us, was created. Of the 2 million people that said they would attend, only 3,000 showed up. So the ‘raid’ never happened.


In 2019, the horrific nuclear disaster that occurred in Chernobyl, Ukraine was turned into an award-winning television series by HBO. This led to renewed interest from travellers wanting to experience and reflect on the dark history of the area for themselves.

Hong Kong

The anti-government protests in Hong Kong have been in the world’s news for more than six months. What started as peaceful opposition unfortunately quickly turned into violence and chaos when the Hong Kong government decided to go ahead with its extradition law plans, despite the widespread opposition.


The Summer of 2019 is seeing catastrophic bushfires hit Australia, with NSW currently the worst affected. To date, almost 100 fires continue to burn around the state, with 40 still uncontained. East Gippsland in Victoria is the latest region to be affected, with residents being evacuated.
